
HxGN SmartNet provides high-accuracy positioning for GNSS/GPS rovers and drones for layout, site survey work, and machine control applications.

GNSS/GPS technology is a pivotal tool in modern construction, enhancing efficiency, safety, and precision across applications. GNSS/GPS rovers collect valuable field data for preliminary layout work and volume calculations, while machine control systems utilise GNSS/GPS technology to position and guide heavy machinery such as excavators and bulldozers. Additionally, drone technology coupled with GNSS/GPS provides a fast, safe, and accurate approach to gather high-resolution site data, facilitating data-driven decisions in construction.

No matter how you use GNSS/GPS technology in construction, you can depend on HxGN SmartNet to provide reliable, high-accuracy corrections that makes these applications possible.

GNSS/GPS rovers

GNSS rovers collect as-built field data, provide positioning for preliminary layout work and utility placement, measure grades and stockpiles for volume calculations, and more - all while speeding up work with the flexible, one-man operation. Advancements like integrated tilt compensation and imaging enable safer data collection and a wider range of deliverables, including point clouds. However, GNSS alone is not enough for this high-precision work. HxGN SmartNet empowers the centimetre-level accuracy required for these applications, supporting NRTK corrections on all GNSS rovers and PPP corrections on select receivers.

Machine control

Positioning and guiding excavators, bulldozers, graders, pavers, and more, machine control solutions enable new heights of productivity, accuracy, and safety in construction. Comparing 3D designs to the machine's current position allows for guided digging, cutting, and filling and even fully automated control. Precision machine control also saves resources like fuel and minimises unnecessary digging and disturbances to the surrounding areas, contributing to more sustainable construction. GNSS corrections enable machine control and guidance systems, taking GNSS positioning from metre to centimetre level accuracy in real-time. HxGN SmartNet makes this possible with extensive NRTK coverage available for all GNSS receivers and global PPP services for select devices. This includes the Leica iCONs gps 120 smart antenna, part of Hexagon's all-in-one machine control and safety awareness solutions for everything from excavators and loaders to alpine snow management.


HxGN SmartNet -sovellus

Tarkkuutta ja tietoja HxGN SmartNetin avulla. HxGN SmartNet -sovelluksen avulla voit seurata verkon laatua reaaliajassa, vastaanottaa paikallisia palveluilmoituksia, luoda tukipyyntöjä työmaalla ja paljon muuta.
Tarkkuutta ja tietoja HxGN SmartNetin avulla. HxGN SmartNet -sovelluksen avulla voit seurata verkon laatua reaaliajassa, vastaanottaa paikallisia palveluilmoituksia, luoda tukipyyntöjä työmaalla ja paljon muuta.

Tapaustutkimuksia rakennusalalla

Tutustu toteuttamiimme projekteihin, joissa HxGN SmartNet varmistaa onnistuneet rakennushankkeet ja mahdollistaa esimerkiksi koneohjauksen ja dronemittaukset.
Tutustu toteuttamiimme projekteihin, joissa HxGN SmartNet varmistaa onnistuneet rakennushankkeet ja mahdollistaa esimerkiksi koneohjauksen ja dronemittaukset.


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